When you can't decide whether to eat out or cook at home?!
When we got here, we weren't in pasta heaven so far, but rather in a big dark seaweed-seaweed down.
The area gave the impression that there was actually nothing going on here. The beach was full of seaweed and unkempt, dogs barking as far as you could see, power and internet outages, and everything didn't have that "summer sun love" vibe.
But honestly. This is all really a matter of opinion! If we look back and had the choice, we would have chosen it exactly as it is. Over time and weeks we got to know our area. The language and the food have been learned and are now in seventh pistachio pasta heaven. We discovered a shop that offers homemade pasta at the counter. We made homemade pesto with it and I don't think there would be anything better, even in a restaurant. Then you're really faced with the question: Really delicious pasta with homemade pesto or pizza from our favorite Italian restaurant?
Yes, Favorite Italian , so that happened quickly for us. We found it and then learned to love it. With him we have the best one yet Olive oil found what we know (and we are already very high with our standards). Do you need something? Get in touch, we have 5 liters :D, why? You can check that out on Instagram.
Back to the topic. We have the tastiest ones Tried pistachio crossaints and cakes. So if you like this nut, this is absolute heaven!
Every week we learned to love the people and the language even more.
You learn the language so quickly if you are in one place for more than two weeks, go shopping and much more. I would never have thought that. The beach was cleared and suddenly it was “clean”. It was Christmas and everyone made a huge party out of those days. Every day a new event, new people & impressions. The Italians are just incredibly warm and sooo great.
Is it a place where we can settle down? For Basti & me - rather no. But I would always come back to enjoy this part of southern Italy in the short or medium term.
Do you have any questions? Simply contact us directly via Instagram. We look forward to the exchange.
Best regards Basti & Julia🌿